Data, News, and Resources for where we are. And, where we are headed.
Our world changes fast.
New information is constantly being released and updated for our consumption, and hopefully our consideration.
By topic, below you will find resources useful to your personal life, the world around us, considerations for our businesses and the economy, and other helpful resources. Consider this a quick reference guide to our world. And, our uncertain times.
COVID-19 Case Data
The New York Times Latest Case Count & Map // Data and case count by state with latest hot spots, case count rising and falling, and other insights.
Reuters Where U.S. coronavirus cases are on the rise // New cases, deaths, and testing trends.
Rt COVID-19 // Data on Rt (R-naught [or] R-zero) which shows how the virus is spreading throughout different states.
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center // Global pandemic data set, maps, news, trends, and other resources.
The COVID Tracking Project // State-by-state cases with hospitalization, ICU, ventilator, and outcome data where available.
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Projections // Data and insights from the IHME which is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington.
COVID Exit Strategy // Comprehensive data sets, by state, tracking progress of case count changes, influenza-like illness trends, per-day testing targets, ICU capacity, test positivity trends, and hospitalization rates.
New York State Case Positivity // State and region-level data on case count and positivity rate.
Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance // Weekly state-level dashboard of some reported flu-like illnesses.
How Coronavirus Cases Have Risen Since States Reopened // The New York Times
See How All 50 States Are Reopening (and Closing Again) // The New York Times
Blogs & Opinions
“The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them” // Erin Bromage (20 May 2020)
“How Fauci, 5 other health specialists deal with covid-19 risks in their everyday lives” // The Washington Post (03 July 2020)
Airborne Coronavirus: What You Should Do Now // The New York Times (06 July 2020)
[IMAGE] COVID-19 Risk Index // COVID-19 Recovery Consulting LLC
“8 ways to go out and stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic” // Vox (03 July 2020)
“Texas Doctors Rank (1-9) The Risks of Catching COVID-19 In These Activities” // Newsweek (06 July 2020)
People Who Are at Increased Risk for Severe Illness // CDC
“New normal: How far is safe enough?” // Reuters
“Coronavirus: The Black Swan of 2020” // Sequoia Capital (05 March 2020)
“Four COVID-19 marketing trends: navigating what’s next” // WARC (01 June 2020)
Article: “Face Masks & GDP” (video) // Goldman Sachs (29 June 2020)
COVID-19: What are the biggest risks to society in the next 18 months? // World Economic Forum (03 July 2020)
Corporate & Management
[PDF] “Reopening workplaces: A collection of workforce-protection interventions” // McKinsey & Company (15 June 2020)
“US small-business vulnerability during the COVID-19 crisis” // McKinsey & Company
“Bain's Situational Threat Report (SITREP) Index” // Bain & Company
“Back to Work” // Bain & Company
“Covid-19: Protect, Recover and Retool” // Bain & Company
“China Shopper Report 2020, Vol. 1” // Bain & Company
“COVID-19: 5 priorities to help reopen and reinvent your business” - Accenture
US CFO Pulse Survey // PwC
“COVID-19: Strategy & Brand” // PwC
“COVID-19’s Potential Impact on Venture Capital Investment Terms” // Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
“The essence of resilient leadership: Business recovery from COVID-19” // Deloitte
“How COVID-19 is Impacting Companies’ M&A Strategies” // Goldman Sachs
Selected Articles
“Our world re-engineered for social distancing” // Reuters Photos (07 July 2020)
“Make a vaccine? I'm trying to teach my kids the alphabet” // Reuters (06 July 2020)
“Beyond fact-checking: fighting the onslaught of COVID-19 disinformation” // International Journalists Network (02 July 2020)
“America’s cautious comeback” // Reuters Graphics (22 May 2020)
“How The World Missed COVID-19’s Silent Spread” // The New York Times (27 June 2020)
“Larry Brilliant on How Well We Are Fighting Covid-19” // Wired (09 July 2020)
Twitter Accounts
@ASlavitt // Ex-Obama health care head.
@DrMichelleLin // Emergency physician & health systems researcher
@CDCDirector // CDC Director, Dr. Robert R. Redfield
@Bob_Wachter // Chair, UCSF Dept of Medicine
@NateSilver538 // Editor-in-Chief, @FiveThirtyEight
@larrybrilliant // Epidemiologist, Fmr, Prof, U Mich; WHO